Well known Potato Chips owned by Mamee Malaysia

The Challenge

Graphic Design

Mamee Malaysia wanted an upgrade of their Mister Potato logo from a 2D look to a more 3D defined logo branding.

One of the requirements was that I needed to be at the agency’s office so that they can monitor me working on the logo.


The Idea

foundation is key

My idea was to create the foundation of the artwork using 3D and then proceeded to beautify the character using graphic tools to enhance the colors and shading.

“Since I did not have a laptop at that moment, I had to carry my desktop, monitor and the rest of the items to the office to work overnight. It was an experience.”

The Result

the new face

With the successful implementation of 3D together with the editing tools, the NEW Mister Potato was born.

Now, over 80 countries in the world recognize this new face.

Let's Connect!

#adriankhoofmc   #akfmc

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